联系人:吴海燕 女士 (经理) |
电 话:0755-29048607-6037 |
手 机:13926505635 |
供应41通道100G无热AWG |
光性能/Optical Specification (高斯AWG/ Gaussian Athermal AWG)
参数/Parameters 条件/Condition 规格/Specs 单位/Units
Min Typ Max
通道数/Number of Channels 41
通道间距/Number Channel Spacing 100GHz 100 GHz
中心波长/Cha. Center Wavelength ITU频率/ITU frequency. C -band nm
通带频率/Clear Channel Passband ±12.5 GHz
波长精度/Wavelength Stability Maximum range of the wavelength error of all channels and temperatures in average polarization. ±0.05 nm
-1 dB 带宽/-1 dB Channel Bandwidth Clear channel bandwidth defined by passband shape. For each channel 0.24 nm
-3 dB 带宽/-3 dB Channel Bandwidth Clear channel bandwidth defined by passband shape. For each channel 0.43 nm
插损/Optical Insertion Loss at ITU grid Defined as the minimum transmission at ITU wavelength for all channels. For each channel, at all temperatures and polarizations. 4.5 6.0 dB |